Marudhu pandiyan G

Marudhu pandiyan G

Passionate, polygot full stack developer with opinionated ideas,
from the land of spices 🇮🇳
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Marudhu is currently available for

  • Opportunities to work with entrepreneurs who are building their product and need some independent high quality and speed developer..
  • Opportunities to work with other developers/freelancer who needs help or willing to offload their work.
Marudhu skill list as tag cloud Marudhu skill list as tag cloud
(Primary and strong skills shown above)

Project Management

Lead/assist your projects, and manage your tech team or other freelancers/contractors you hire.

Tech Lead

Implement the best possible architecture and industry coding standards and practices in place.

Web development

Being well versed in Javascript and ReactJs, could lead a large chunk of the project individually.

Fullstack Dev

Assist by working with your existing/new team, enabling to build faster with skills in NodeJs, ExpressJs, RoR, Python.


Can offload parts of your deployment and its automation with skill in AWS, Digital ocean and custom ones.

Team Work

Ability to work in teams remotly as long as your are co-operative and speak english.